Double Third Degree

March 24th 2023 saw two of our ‘22/’23 candidates raised to the Third and Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, in an excellent Bristol Workings ceremony in Keynsham Masonic Hall. A big congratulations to our newest Master Masons, James and Matthew! 🥳

The Third Degree ceremony in Freemasonry is considered the highest and most important degree, and it involves the initiation of a candidate into the highest level of Masonic knowledge and symbolism. The ceremony is conducted with great solemnity and reverence, and the candidate is expected to demonstrate his understanding and appreciation of the principles and teachings of Freemasonry at this point. The Bristol Workings are a set of ritual variations used by some nearby Freemason lodges, and they add certain unique elements to the standard Third Degree ceremony.

In the Bristol Workings, there are certain variations to the standard ceremony, such as the use of additional symbolism and the incorporation of certain biblical references to enhance the ceremony in comparison to other lodges.

The Third Degree ceremony is a profound and transformative experience, intended to impart a deep understanding of the principles and teachings of Freemasonry, and to inspire the candidate to embody these values in his daily life. The Bristol Workings add an additional layer of symbolism and meaning to this already powerful ceremony, making it a unique and memorable experience for candidates who undergo it… and we’re always looking for new candidates, be sure to get in touch now to find out more! 📜

The Festive Board was, as always, enjoyable and provided a chance for members to catch up, raise money for the evening’s chosen charity and enjoy Easter Eggs won in the raffle! 🪺


Burns Night ‘23